Friday, February 14, 2014

Redha + yakin + sabar = gembira +rahmat Allah

Antara ciri wanita yang beriman dan solehah ialah redha dan sabar dengan setiap aturan yang telah disusun oleh Allah swt.

Serahkanlah keyakinan kepada Allah swt, pasti Dia membalas keyakinan itu dengan rahmat, berkat dan ganjaran yang melimpah ruah daripada sisi-Nya, Tuhan Yang Maha Pemurah.

(Noraslina Jusin, Cinta tiga rasa)

Cinta Tiga Rasa

In the name of Allah The Most Gracious and The Most Merciful...

Alhamdulillah, All praises be to Allah...

The 2014 has started with smiles and a lot of improvement in my life.
The day i long for has arrived. I feel it and be so greatful to be given the chances to experience it.
Yup, 2014 start with happy moment as i wish for. I promise that this happiness wont stop just for a short time. i want it to be till jannah.
Thus, a lot of construction need to be done. I planned a few things and surely the top list must improving self to be better and better.
Praises be to Allah..everytime we want to start out good, Allah's light is always on. I found this handy, easy-to-digest book.

Even though i said that this is an easy-to-digest book, it doesn't mean it is simple to apply. I like the way its author pictured her experience and thought. The way she wrote the book make me easy to understand it.

Yet, to apply it need a lot of mujahadah and consistency as well as patience.
InsyaALLAH we can do it if we give it a try. I  believe, this kind of book can be one of the reference for a good marriage life. Good references for good examples...

Thursday, January 2, 2014

Soften heart

In the name of Allah The Most Gracious and The Most Merciful...

Alhamdulillah what a beautiful Friday morning.

Since moving to a new education environment, i had to do some adjustment. Frankly speaking, it was quite hard. With 40 kids in a class and different kinds of attitude, sometimes test my patience. However, i believed when there is a will, there is a way. Even though the feeling of stress kept running after me, i try to avoid it. Praise be to ALLAH. one of my friend had told me that it is good to read a du'a before start out especially surah Taha to soften the heart.

Insyaalah, hope to apply this everyday before enter the class:)

Wednesday, January 1, 2014


Dengan nama Allah Yang Maha Pengasih lagi Maha Penyayang.
Assalamualaikum w.b.t....

Sudah lebih setahun rasanya tidak menconteng secarik garis di blog ini. Terlalu banyak perkara yang terjadi menjadikan aku sedikit terhimpit sebak dan merudum yakin diri.
Namun kasih sayang Allah tidak pernah pergi. PetunjukNya kian menerangi jalanku.Alhamdulillah....

Dan kini, di tahun yang baru aku nekad menggagahkan diri, mencuba bangkit kembali tidak kira apa yang terjadi...Ujian tetap ujian, namun hidup harus diteruskan.

Tahun baru sudah pasti sinonim dengan azam baru. Bagiku, tahun baru ini ingin ku jadikan titik mula yang baru selepas terjeruk dengan sebak yang tak sudah. Ingin ku bangkit kembali, mensyukuri nikmat hidup di bumi yang aman ini.

Alhamdulillah, tahun ini ada beberapa perkara penting yang ku rencanakan. Semoga petunjuk dan rahmat Allah sentiasa mengiringi jalanku.

Dan ku harapkan tahun ini juga, cinta kami semakin berkembang mekar dan mewangi harumnya berkekalan hingga ke akhir hayat. Betapa aku mensyukuri diberi peluang menjadi seorang isteri kepada suami yang begitu penyayang. Alhamdulillah...