Thursday, June 30, 2011


It was 30th June 2011 in the morning and I was in my fastest heart beat as i’m going to be interviewed for my DG41 post confirmation. My session was scheduled on 9.30am. However, i was there at 7.10 am. The officer was shocked that i was too early. At last this bring me luck.:) Luckily one of the teachers that had to be interviewed at 7.30am left his document caused his interviewed had to be postponed. I’m lucky the officer realize i’m early and he let me in earlier.

Ok. First step before being called in, all my documents were checked, either original or photocopied documents were checked by the officer on duty. The original documents had to be arranged neatly in a folder while photocopied documents had to be separated from the folder. Once my documents were checked, the officer gave me a form which is a marking scheme form. Stated there the marks given during the interview based on few aspects such as appearance, communication skill, knowledge in current issue and knowledge in teaching and learning. Stated on the form also is the name on interviewer. (If there is no name of interviewer or the officer did not tell, we have to ask before go in. We should know the name of interviewer)

This interview was carried on in groups, 5 in a group. We came in, greet the Dato’ and sat down when he let us sat. We arrange our sit according to name list and gave him our folder.

First task for us was introducing ourselves one by one while he was checking our folder.

Then he begin questioning us and we had to answer based on our opinion. We were lucky that the questions were basically on general ideas.

Here are the questions that he asked us:

1) Meaning of teacher (‘guru’)

2) Responsibility of a teacher

3) What is co-curriculum

4) How co-curriculum affect pupils

5) Teacher’s day 2011 theme

6) What transformation in education that our country is facing now

7) Meaning of 1 Malaysia

The interview end after an hour.

Saturday, June 25, 2011


on 9th June 2011 my sis jz gave birth to a baby boy, weghing 3.79kg. Praise be to Allah that she and her son were in a good condition. eventhough my mom was not there on that day, we were grateful that they were jz ok.My mom and me just arrived Malaysia on Saturday from Mecca.

This new baby boy's name is Muhammad Amirul Hazim...He is also known as G-min junior (since he is just like his brother, G-min).hehe

G-min (4days)

Amirul Hazim

Dont they look the same????

shhhhhh...the baby is sleeping soundly

try to wake him up.but he still like this, sleeeeeeeeping....

May the baby grow to be a soleh and good man.amin...


mrmmm....dh lame x beli wedges.ptg ni, smbil2 cr bhn tuk ngajo, smpt gak lpskn gian google gmbr wedges.cuci mate kat google nk kuar.huhu

yg ni looks simple but nice.d most important thing nmpk cam comfy sgt.

i wish i can have dis wedges one day.nmpk best sgt2.:)

yg ni plak nmpk simple tp nice gak.

pe pun kalu wedges ni plg penting kene cr yg btl2 comfort tuk kite gune. for me i just like d simple one and comfortable for me to walk during my work days.

hopefully can grab 1 wedges dlm mase tdekat ni.bkn pe 1 wedges cam dh terkopak sikit.rmmm...mmg kene standby.

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Sesungguhnya hanya Dia...

segala ilmu ditanganNya
segala hati milikNya
apa yang terjadi ada hikmahnya
yang sudah tersurat itulah yang terbaik
kita hambaNya
tak selalu nampak
yang terbaik untuk diri
tapi Dia
Dia tahu yang terbaik untuk kita
biar kita sedih sekarang
biar kita menitiskan air mata
tak bermakna kita kehilangan
tapi inilah yang terbaik untuk kita....
kerana Dia amat menyayangi kita
dan hanya ingin memberikan
yang terbaik untuk kita...

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

entah kemana...

dalam kelam
dalam suram
terjatuh sendiri
teraba mencari
entah kemana
masih tak jumpa....

Monday, June 20, 2011

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Kita merancang....

di telingaku terngiang-ngiang pepatah "sudah jatuh baru terngadah"
tetapi hakikatnya
aku insan biasa
yang selalu saja lupa
yang selalu pentingkan diri.....
tetapi bila terjadi sesuatu tak terduga
baru diri ini terjaga
baru diri ini teraba-raba
mencari jalan pulang
mencari diri....
boleh jadi
inilah tarbiahNya
bagi menegurku
mengajakku memuhasabah diri
merenung kebesaranNya
membaiki diri
yang acap kali
memungkiri janji
bukan disengajakan
tetapi aku sering lupa
sering leka
dengan nikmat duniawi
yang baru dapat dikecap
ia tak pernah kekal...
sering aku tersungkur kerananya
dan kali ini
sekali lagi
kisah silam
datang lagi.....

Saturday, June 18, 2011

Kembara Tetamu Allah...

30th May 2011 - 10th June 2011

My first Umrah with mom
an unforgetful memories....
Thank You Allah....
Ya Allah, luaskan rezeki kami dan jemput kami kembali ke rumahMu...
Jika ini lawatan yang terakhir bagi kami, ampunilah dosa-dosa kami dan terimalah ibadat kami...

bukit magnet
bukit magnet

makam Rasulullah...
sayu hati saat meninggalkan Kekasih Allah...

Masjid Nabawi

Masjid Nabawi

sempat berdoa di Jabal Rahmah

Jabal Rahmah: tempat bertemunya Nabi Adam dan Hawa di bumi setelah dikeluarkan dari syurga

Masjidil Haram: bagai mimpi ketika pertama kali menatapnya...

Subhanallah...Kaabah berada di depan mata...impian menjadi nyata...
suasana sebelum solat...umat Islam berbondong-bondong menuju ke Masjidil Haram menegakkan agama Allah..

di ladang unta...

di ladang unta


masjidil haram: muzium mekah

bersama mutawwif yang petah berkongsi sejarah perjuangan Islam di bumi Mekah

my mom...

mom n me:)

perigi yang digunakan untuk mengangkut air zam-zam pada suatu ketika dahulu..

muzium mekah

pelbagai kelengkapan solat n cenderamata serta keperluan harian boleh didapati di deretan kedai sepanjang laluan ke Masjidil Haram

ais krim yg sunggup lazat:menyejukkan tekak-hanya 3rial.

kedai 2rial atau di Malaysia kedai RM2.

a big world globe at the centre of Jeddah

masjid terapung di Laut Merah