Saturday, June 25, 2011


on 9th June 2011 my sis jz gave birth to a baby boy, weghing 3.79kg. Praise be to Allah that she and her son were in a good condition. eventhough my mom was not there on that day, we were grateful that they were jz ok.My mom and me just arrived Malaysia on Saturday from Mecca.

This new baby boy's name is Muhammad Amirul Hazim...He is also known as G-min junior (since he is just like his brother, G-min).hehe

G-min (4days)

Amirul Hazim

Dont they look the same????

shhhhhh...the baby is sleeping soundly

try to wake him up.but he still like this, sleeeeeeeeping....

May the baby grow to be a soleh and good man.amin...

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