Sunday, January 1, 2012



today is the first day of 2012 and 2011 left me and us with the bittersweet of memories....
rmmm...yup.but at least i'm so grateful and praises due to Allah as I managed to go on through
the hard years of 2011...for me, 2011 bring me joy after tears.
2011, I managed to perform my first Umrah with meaningful memory throughout my life..and end of 2011,another memorable meaningful memory for my life.Thank you ALLAH...
The tears?????no need to scribble here i think...let it just blew down by the wind.wawawa...

And for many things in my list...but generally would like to improve myself in every aspect, as a muslim, daughter, sister, teacher, friends ...InsyaAllah

just hoping to be a better person and improve the weaknessess as possible. is trying my best.yup!!!

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