Tuesday, April 6, 2010

New Teachers by Best Teacher


No more for you the casual, carefree student life,
Earning a living your priority concern will be,
Where you'll be posted, you'll know soon enough,
Through teaching English, your career paths you'll carve.

Enough for now that you prepare yourself,
Acquiring skills both interpersonal and pedagogical,
Cherish the memories of six eventful years together,
Help, support and encourage each other by keeping in touch.

Enjoy your short break before reporting for duty. After that
Reality, life after graduation beckons. Go forth then,
Strive to be life long learners and to love what you do

Anthony Gomez 050410

Days passing by so quick that I never realize it is already the end of the semester...In fact, it is going to be the end of the 6 years-degree course...Alhamdulillah....
But, somehow, it make me sad and hard to leave this life. surely, Iam going to miss this life...it is coloured variously with so many good and bad memories. yet, me and all the other 74 friends managed to face them together...this friendship among us is very meaningful....really love them...
And this poem actually dedicated to us, the cohort3 TESL IPIK-UM by one of our lecturer, Mr. Gomez. What to say about him? I just can say, he is THE BEST TEACHER. I can feel the sincerity and honesty of him in teaching us. he is so patient with us despite of our various attitude. he managed to carry out activities that make all of us so reluctant to miss his class. we always wonder and waiting what he is going to do during the lesson. He is so good, creative, hardworking, determine and committed. dont you think the poem is good? it is so touching and I will remember by a very good teacher...
thank you MR GOMEZ...

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